Useful Metin2 Skills

  • Date:01-08-2010
  • views: 9
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  • Editor: kate
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Hello players, happy to see you in Mmooffers!

Do you often play Metin2? Would you like to buy some cheap Metin2 gold? Here we provide the best service with the fastest delivery. Next we will provide you some detailed information about Useful Skills to help you know much about the game. Hope it could help you.

Natures Blessings: What would a healer be without a heal? This is generally the first skill(Metin2 yang) mastered for a Healing Shaman.

Natures Enchantment: Improves attack power for a certain amount of time, it improves the amount healed, but until latter levels, 1 point is sufficient.

Speed of Wind: Increases movement speed, and at Master levels increases your casting speed, this skill is generally the second to master for a healing shaman.

Lightning Lance: Cool Down: 7 Seconds, 1 point is sufficient for this skill, as a healer is generally not offensively inclined, you could get this skill out of the 3 offensive skills the healing shaman has to offer.

Chain Lightning: Cool Down: 10 Seconds, 1 point in latter levels is sufficient, take note; use this wisely as for every mob you attack with it, it shoots out a recoil bolt that can strike random enemies, generally 1 of the 3 you are attacking but be careful.

Lightning Strike: Cool Down: 15 Seconds; Chance to Faint 5%, this spell looks pretty cool, but compared to the other offensive skills you have, this is slightly worse, top that off with a 15 second cool down, and it is not all to appealing. The order in which you level your skills is entirely your choice, do not take this guide as gospel as it is a guide, and these are only recommendations.

Thanks for your reading and have fun.