This is the last good way to make money easy in Metin2. First you need an ammount of money like 1kk +. Go to Ch1 Shops and start looking at shops. If you find something cheap example a Heroic Strike skill book for 900k, buy it and sell it for 1.2kk. If you find a Piece of Gem for 250k, buy it and Sell it For 300k. This also works with high level items with stats. Example : You Saw a cheap Steel Plate +6 with HP / Absorb HP / Resist and good stones, buy it and sell it for a higher price.

- How To Save Money

Example When you finish leveling(Metin2 gold) do not go argos to re-pot. So you will not see any shops. Even keep your money on a banker/seller. This guide does not have to be read by people who know how to earn gold. It's actually pretty easy earning some gold and then later become a business man or woman in game.

1. Make yourself a farmer. We would recommend a Arahan, but a mirage sura could also do. Really, it does not matter, as long as you feel comfortable with the characters. This should be in another character than your other account. Means you can open a shop while leveling up on your main char.

2. Have patience. If not, this is not a game for you. No one will survive a mmorpg just by begging and having other people leveling you.

3. Make your farmer about level 25-34. Not higher, cos then you can't go to Sujin anymore. Which is good for Horse Medal-farming.